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New year, new me.

Too many people, that cliché is all about shedding pounds. But it can also be an annual reminder to focus on something that’s even more important. Mental health.

Whether for yourself or others, time spent on wellness is never wasted. In addition to
speaking with a counselor, here are six things you can do to prioritize mental health in 2022.

How To Make Mental Health Your Priority In 2022

How To Improve Your Own Mental Health

Practice Gratitude Daily

What are you thankful for? That is an excellent question to answer each and every day. You won’t regret spending a few minutes writing down things that bring you joy. Dwelling on the negatives is easy, but starting your morning with a positive mindset can have a ripple effect.

Improve Your Health

How much you move and what you put on your plate impacts more than  your waistline. It also affects mental health. According to the
Mayo Clinic, exercise can ease symptoms of anxiety and depression. Improving your health doesn’t always require big changes. You can start small and start slow.

Try Something New

Trying something new can help pull you out of a mental rut. And you don’t have to worry about being successful. Even if you are the world’s worst painter, there’s immense value in spending time at the canvas. After all,
there’s a link between creativity and your overall well-being.

How To Advocate For The Mental Health Of Others

Check On Friends

How are you doing? Often, that’s more of a greeting than a question. Move beyond the pleasantries and truly find out how your friends are doing. Just remember, being vulnerable is difficult for many people. Persistence matters, so keep asking. You might be the only one who does.

Keep Educating Yourself

The dialogue around mental health is full of assumptions and misconceptions. That’s why it’s important for you to keep growing. Whether it’s researching a friend’s specific diagnosis or continuing to learn about mental health in general so that you can support others, there’s always value in education.

Open Your Mouth

Speaking out can take many forms. Sometimes that means verbally defending someone. Other times that means pulling out your keyword to write about a topic people shy away from. There are also numerous events and fundraisers that could use your support. You have a voice. Use it.

Headwaters Counseling provides affordable counseling for the Fort Wayne community. If you or someone you love could benefit from speaking with a therapist, please contact us today.

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