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Mother’s Day isn’t a time of flowers and smiles for everyone.

It’s a reminder that someone is gone. For women who lost a child, that wound never fully heals.

The journey of grief is a long road. It’s also not a straight line. There are no shortcuts to the finish line and the path ahead isn’t always clear. Chances are there’s someone in your life who is struggling.

How To Support Grieving Mothers

Every woman is different and no two people grieve the same way. However, there are several things you want to avoid. When you’re struggling with what to do next, here are a few thoughts to keep in mind:

Don’t Just Fill The Silence

It’s easy to speak hollow words and cliches, but phrases like “it’ll get better” help no one. Remember that there’s nothing you can say that will erase the pain, but there’s always the potential to add to it. When the right words just aren’t there, stick with the simple truths. I love you. I’m here for you. I’m so sorry for your loss.

Don’t Become A Stranger 

When you don’t know what to do, taking a step back seems like the smart choice. This can even be thought of as a positive. By “giving her space,” you might assume you’re helping. But many other people in her life are probably doing the exact same thing. Be different. Remind her that you’re there. Instead of leaning back, lean in.

Don’t Forget To Listen

There’s nothing you can do to fix the situation. Grieving takes time. Instead of trying to hurry her along the process with your words and actions, just listen. Let her vent. Let her cry. Let her talk about happy memories. Chances are it will be your ears, not your mouth, providing the most comfort.

Don’t Ignore The Little Things

Send flowers. Cook a meal. Write a note. In the grand scheme of what happened, these tiny actions feel like nothing. But that’s not the case. Even if the casserole goes uneaten, she’s reminded of your love and support. Often it’s the gesture, not the gift itself, that matters most.

Headwater Counseling offers general counseling focused on many different areas of life such as transitions, behavior issues, depression, anxiety, relationships, and more. To learn more, please
contact us today.

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